Our Mission

Peace of Christ Community Church seeks to follow the way of Jesus through loving God, knowing each other, and serving the world.

OUR values

To elaborate and expand upon our Mission Statement, our Core Values offer us practical and tangible guidance for how we might live out our mission. When making decisions about faithfully acting and moving forward as a church, we constantly return to our Mission and Values to shape our direction and guide our steps.

  • Holistic worship

    Too often worship is reserved for Sunday morning when it is meant to be an all-day, every-day rhythm of life. So we strive for Sunday morning worship gatherings to strengthen and encourage us to move out into the world - in our homes, workplaces, and community; with our friends, family, co-workers, and strangers - to be people who are constantly living lives of worship and prayer, aware of God's presence, activity, and grace all around us at all times.

  • intentional community

    While we at Peace of Christ hang our hat on being a welcoming and friendly church, we recognize that most churches fail to actively and intentionally take the next step of actually knowing each other and being known. We strive to be people who do the hard work of building incredibly strong relationships so we can truly be present for one another in the midst of all that life brings - both good and bad.

  • Missional living

    In a world of busyness, activity, and projects, the church must learn to foster a lifestyle of mission. As a church, we're not interested in being busy people, but faithful people. We serve a God of mission who is not bound by the walls of the religious institution, so we strive to emulate this posture - moving outside the walls of our church to be on mission everywhere we go - seeking to be the good news of Jesus in our neighborhoods, city, and world.

  • transformed lives

    Discipleship has traditionally been understood as learning some information about Jesus, when it is meant to be a journey of living with Jesus. So, while we continue to provide classic discipleship programs like Bible study and Christian education, our goal is to be formed in the way of Jesus - as true disciples and followers of Christ - through worship, community, and mission.